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Download WildFire Font Display Font

Download WildFire Font Display Font

Download WildFire Font by RetroSupply Co. in Category Display Fonts File Sized 19.35 KB with format EOT, TTF, WOFF, SVG, WOFF2 Rockeby Typography Toolbox Wonderland - A Hand Drawn Serif Font SAVAGE duo script font Backfire.

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[NEW] Get WildFire – The First Official Font from RetroSupply for Just $19

I'm excited to announce the first official RetroSupply Co font! At the end of 2014 I polled over 1000 RetroSupply customers I what kind of RetroSupply products they wanted to see. Fonts was one of the biggies.

So this year among other things I wanted to start releasing fonts. WildFire is the first RetroSupply font. It's a humble all-caps, display, san-serif fonts. Just alphanumeric characters and limited punctuation. But it looks great, works for all kinds of projects, and has some cool surprise features when you switch to uppercase.

Here's what makes it great:

  • Rounded corners give it a warm, friendly way about it. Like a good friend home for the holidays.
  • Works extremely well for typing on curved paths (for badges, logos and type based design).
  • Uppercase letters contain surprise descending stems and other goodies for a custom flair.

Here's what included when you buy RetroSupply WildFire

  • 1 WildFire font in OTF format (contains alphanumeric characters and limited punctuation)
  • 1 WildFire font in TTF format (contains alphanumeric characters and limited punctuation)

Grab the font now for just $15. I know you'll love it : )

As always, if you have any questions, need help or suggestions please contact me!


Dustin Lee RetroSupply Co.

Special thanks to Joseph Krueger for creating the updated version. He did some awesome stuff including tightening up the kerning and making it more consistent. Plus, he got rid of some stray sharp edges. Thanks, Joseph!

Get 9 FREE RetroSupply products instantly including fonts, brushes, textures and more when you sign up for the RetroSupply Co. newsletter: http://bit.ly/retro-freebies

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