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This is a copy of my book, "Practical Font Design", plus the supplied pieces to make it work for you. Included is a sample font to give you a place to start, a glyph list for when you are ready to add you compite glyphs, a text file to add to your Metric windows when you start letterspacing and kerning, plus an opentype feature file which adds the pnum; onum; lnum; tnum; c2sc; frac; dnom, numr; liga; dlig; ornm; sups; & sinf features plus the glyphs needed for those features to your font. It is everything offered in the Udemy "Practical Font Design" course. Plus it includes a more limited OpenType features file for display use. The book is copyrighted, but all the pieces are simple license.
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Download Download Practical Font Design Book Package Radiqx Press Font
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