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Download Hand-drawn font Boltt, James Boltt Display Font

Download Hand-drawn font Boltt, James Boltt Display Font

Download Hand-drawn font Boltt, James Boltt Font by FoxysGraphic in Category Display Fonts File Sized 4 MB with format EOT, TTF, WOFF, SVG, WOFF2 Font of numbers in classical french didot style Alphabet and font Red Line with shadow Font of numbers in classical french didot style Font of numbers in classical french didot style.

Download Hand-drawn font Boltt, James Boltt Font
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Hi guys!

In order to provide quicker answers for common question what fonts I'm using in my illustrations I decided to to present them as independent products.

I needed a bright bold variable font for my illustration works which is handmade and with plenty of alternative symbols. I couldn't find nothing better than draw it myself. :–) I drew it by hand and named it the Boltt, James Boltt.

It's not packed into a font file such as .ttf или .otf. I use it by hand typing the words I need in Adobe Illustrator. You can't either install it into a system, or type a brief in MS Word or change the text body just within one click. These are outlines which can be edited only by hand. And I like them. :–)

Foxy's Graphic.

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Download Download Hand-drawn font Boltt, James Boltt Display Font

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